IP And Analog Video Home Security Systems

Video home security systems give an advantage of watching the situations as they would have occurred. They provide an extra layer of protection to your house, and you can leave your house without any tension in your mind. There are various types of video security systems. The enormous variety helps you in choosing the right one to meet your requirements.

You must have learned about the difference between wired and wireless security systems. Indoor and outdoor security systems are different from one other. Information on how night vision security cameras aid your security system or how hidden cameras are useful must have been gathered by you. Another important decision that you need to make is whether you will invest in IP or analog-based systems.


IP stands for internet protocol, and an IP-based system uses the internet for transmitting data from different devices to the central data collector. The only role that an IP-based system does is that it transmits data using an internet protocol in the network. What is done with the data is in the hand of the receiver. You can choose to monitor the footage simply. You can also record it and store it for future use.

An analog system, on the other hand, uses cameras and video screens. The system transmits data with only communication between the camera and the screens. This data can be recorded by using a video recorder. In case you want the data to be available over the internet, you can transmit the data recorded through the video recorder.

An analog bases system is easier to use as it only involves two nodes – a camera and a monitor with or without a recorder. In the case of an IP system, it is difficult to use and quite complex as you need to set up IP addresses for the camera so that the data can be sent and accessed via the internet.

IP systems are also expensive as compared to analog-based video home security systems. This is because they use advanced technology. However, with the best of technology, these IP-based systems are also best for long-term use. Though complex to understand, they can serve you over a long period of time.

Another advantage of the IP system is that you can access the videos from any place in the world. This is because the camera transmits the data to a network video recorder. All you need is to type in the IP address of your camera. You can then watch your home even when you are away on vacation. These systems also give you a good option of watching over your kids when you leave them with babysitters.

So, you can decide between IP and analog-based video security systems by considering the cost, installation process, and the intended use of the footage sent by the security cameras.

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